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AWS-SysOps Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 2) 

An organization has created 50 IAM users. The organization has introduced a new policy which will change the access of an IAM user. How can the organization implement this effectively so that there is no need to apply the policy at the individual user level? 

A. Use the IAM groups and add users as per their role to different groups and apply policy to group 

B. The user can create a policy and apply it to multiple users in a single go with the AWS CLI 

C. Add each user to the IAM role as per their organization role to achieve effective policy setup 

D. Use the IAM role and implement access at the role level 



With AWS IAM, a group is a collection of IAM users. A group allows the user to specify permissions for a collection of users, which can make it easier to manage the permissions for those users. A group helps an organization manage access in a better way; instead of applying at the individual level, the organization can apply at the group level which is applicable to all the users who are a part of that group. 

Q2. - (Topic 3) 

A user has created a VPC with CIDR using the wizard. The user has created public and VPN only subnets along with hardware VPN access to connect to the user’s data centre. The user has not yet launched any instance as well as modified or deleted any setup. He wants to delete this VPC from the console. Will the console allow the user to delete the VPC? 

A. Yes, the console will delete all the setups and also delete the virtual private gateway B. No, the console will ask the user to manually detach the virtual private gateway first and then allow deleting the VPC 

C. Yes, the console will delete all the setups and detach the virtual private gateway 

D. No, since the NAT instance is running 



The user can create subnets as per the requirement within a VPC. If the user wants to connect VPC from his own data centre, he can setup a public and VPN only subnet which uses hardware VPN access to connect with his data centre. When the user has configured this setup with Wizard, it will create a virtual private gateway to route all traffic of the VPN subnet. If the virtual private gateway is attached with VPC and the user deletes the VPC from the console it will first detach the gateway automatically and only then delete the VPC. 

Q3. - (Topic 3) 

An organization has setup multiple IAM users. The organization wants that each IAM user accesses the IAM console only within the organization and not from outside. How can it achieve this? 

A. Create an IAM policy with the security group and use that security group for AWS console login 

B. Create an IAM policy with a condition which denies access when the IP address range is not from the organization 

C. Configure the EC2 instance security group which allows traffic only from the organization’s IP range 

D. Create an IAM policy with VPC and allow a secure gateway between the organization and AWS Console 



AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service which allows organizations to manage users and user permissions for various AWS services. The user can add conditions as a part of the IAM policies. The condition can be set on AWS Tags, Time, and Client IP as well as on many other parameters. If the organization wants the user to access only from a specific IP range, they should set an IAM policy condition which denies access when the IP is not in a certain range. E.g. The sample policy given below denies all traffic when the IP is not in a certain range. 

"Statement": [{ 

"Effect": "Deny", 

"Action": "*", 

"Resource": "*", 

"Condition": { 

"NotIpAddress": { 

"aws:SourceIp": ["", ""] 


Q4. - (Topic 2) 

An organization is planning to use AWS for their production roll out. The organization wants to implement 

automation for deployment such that it will automatically create a LAMP stack, download the latest PHP 

installable from S3 and setup the ELB. Which of the below mentioned AWS services meets the quirement for making an orderly deployment of the software? 

A. AWS Elastic Beanstalk 

B. AWS Cloudfront 

C. AWS Cloudformation 

D. AWS DevOps 



AWS Cloudformation is an application management tool which provides application modelling, deployment, configuration, management and related activities. Cloudformation provides an easy way to create and delete the collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly way. AWS CloudFormation automates and simplifies the task of repeatedly and predictably creating groups of related resources that power the user’s applications. AWS Cloudfront is a CDN; Elastic Beanstalk does quite a few of the required tasks. However, it is a PAAS which uses a ready AMI. AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment to easily develop and run applications in the cloud. 

Q5. - (Topic 1) 

You have a web-style application with a stateless but CPU and memory-intensive web tier running on a cc2 8xlarge EC2 instance inside of a VPC The instance when under load is having problems returning requests within the SLA as defined by your business The application maintains its state in a DynamoDB table, but the data tier is properly provisioned and responses are consistently fast. 

How can you best resolve the issue of the application responses not meeting your SLA? 

A. Add another cc2 8xlarge application instance, and put both behind an Elastic Load Balancer 

B. Move the cc2 8xlarge to the same Availability Zone as the DynamoDB table 

C. Cache the database responses in ElastiCache for more rapid access 

D. Move the database from DynamoDB to RDS MySQL in scale-out read-replica configuration 


Explanation: Reference: 

Q6. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following requires a custom CloudWatch metric to monitor? 

A. Data transfer of an EC2 instance 

B. Disk usage activity of an EC2 instance 

C. Memory Utilization of an EC2 instance 

D. CPU Utilization of an EC2 instance 


Explanation: Reference: 

Q7. - (Topic 3) 

A user has launched an EC2 instance. The instance got terminated as soon as it was launched. Which of the below mentioned options is not a possible reason for this? 

A. The user account has reached the maximum EC2 instance limit 

B. The snapshot is corrupt 

C. The AMI is missing. It is the required part 

D. The user account has reached the maximum volume limit 



When the user account has reached the maximum number of EC2 instances, it will not be allowed to launch an instance. AWS will throw an ‘InstanceLimitExceeded’ error. For all other reasons, such as “AMI is missing part”, “Corrupt Snapshot” or ”Volume limit has reached” it will launch an EC2 instance and then terminate it. 

Q8. - (Topic 3) 

A sysadmin has created the below mentioned policy on an S3 bucket named cloudacademy. What does this policy define? 

"Statement": [{ 

"Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Principal": { "AWS": "*"}, 

"Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:ListBucket"], 

"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy] 


A. It will make the cloudacademy bucket as well as all its objects as public 

B. It will allow everyone to view the ACL of the bucket 

C. It will give an error as no object is defined as part of the policy while the action defines the rule about the object 

D. It will make the cloudacademy bucket as public 



A sysadmin can grant permission to the S3 objects or the buckets to any user or make objects public using the bucket policy and user policy. Both use the JSON-based access policy language. Generally if the user is defining the ACL on the bucket, the objects in the bucket do not inherit it and vice a versa. The bucket policy can be defined at the bucket level which allows the objects as well as the bucket to be public with a single policy applied to that bucket. In the sample policy the action says “S3:ListBucket” for effect Allow on 

Resource arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy. This will make the cloudacademy bucket public. 

"Statement": [{ 

"Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, 

"Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:ListBucket"], 

"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy] 


Q9. - (Topic 3) 

A user is configuring a CloudWatch alarm on RDS to receive a notification when the CPU utilization of RDS is higher than 50%. The user has setup an alarm when there is some inactivity on RDS, such as RDS unavailability. How can the user configure this? 

A. Setup the notification when the CPU is more than 75% on RDS 

B. Setup the notification when the state is Insufficient Data 

C. Setup the notification when the CPU utilization is less than 10% 

D. It is not possible to setup the alarm on RDS 



Amazon CloudWatch alarms watch a single metric over a time period that the user specifies and performs one or more actions based on the value of the metric relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods. The alarm has three states: Alarm, OK and Insufficient data. The Alarm will change to Insufficient Data when any of the three situations arise: when the alarm has just started, when the metric is not available or when enough data is not available for the metric to determine the alarm state. If the user wants to find that RDS is not available, he can setup to receive the notification when the state is in Insufficient data. 

Q10. - (Topic 3) 

A sysadmin has created the below mentioned policy on an S3 bucket named cloudacademy. The bucket has both AWS.jpg and index.html objects. What does this policy define? 

"Statement": [{ 

"Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", 

"Effect": "Allow", 

"Principal": { "AWS": "*"}, 

"Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetObject"], 

"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy/*.jpg] 


A. It will make all the objects as well as the bucket public 

B. It will throw an error for the wrong action and does not allow to save the policy 

C. It will make the AWS.jpg object as public 

D. It will make the AWS.jpg as well as the cloudacademy bucket as public 
