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AWS-SysOps Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 1) 

You have identified network throughput as a bottleneck on your m1.small EC2 instance when uploading data Into Amazon S3 In the same region. 

How do you remedy this situation? 

A. Add an additional ENI 

B. Change to a larger Instance 

C. Use DirectConnect between EC2 and S3 

D. Use EBS PIOPS on the local volume 


Explanation: Reference: 

Q2. - (Topic 3) 

A sys admin has enabled a log on ELB. Which of the below mentioned activities are not captured by the log? 

A. Response processing time 

B. Front end processing time 

C. Backend processing time 

D. Request processing time 



Elastic Load Balancing access logs capture detailed information for all the requests made to the load balancer. Each request will have details, such as client IP, request path, ELB IP, time, and latencies. The time will have information, such as Request Processing time, Backend Processing time and Response Processing time. 

Q3. - (Topic 3) 

A user has configured ELB with Auto Scaling. The user suspended the Auto Scaling AlarmNotification (which notifies Auto Scaling for CloudWatch alarms. process for a while. What will Auto Scaling do during this period? 

A. AWS will not receive the alarms from CloudWatch 

B. AWS will receive the alarms but will not execute the Auto Scaling policy 

C. Auto Scaling will execute the policy but it will not launch the instances until the process is resumed 

D. It is not possible to suspend the AlarmNotification process 



Auto Scaling performs various processes, such as Launch, Terminate Alarm Notification etc. The user can also suspend individual process. The AlarmNotification process type accepts notifications from the Amazon CloudWatch alarms that are associated with the Auto Scaling group. If the user suspends this process type, Auto Scaling will not automatically execute the scaling policies that would be triggered by the alarms. 

Q4. - (Topic 3) 

A user has created a queue named “awsmodule” with SQS. One of the consumers of queue is down for 3 days and then becomes available. Will that component receive message from queue? 

A. Yes, since SQS by default stores message for 4 days 

B. No, since SQS by default stores message for 1 day only 

C. No, since SQS sends message to consumers who are available that time 

D. Yes, since SQS will not delete message until it is delivered to all consumers 



SQS allows the user to move data between distributed components of applications so they can perform different tasks without losing messages or requiring each component to be always available. Queues retain messages for a set period of time. By default, a queue retains messages for four days. However, the user can configure a queue to retain messages for up to 14 days after the message has been sent. 

Q5. - (Topic 3) 

A user has configured ELB with two EBS backed instances. The user has stopped the instances for 1 week to save costs. The user restarts the instances after 1 week. Which of the below mentioned statements will help the user to understand the ELB and instance registration better? 

A. There is no way to register the stopped instances with ELB 

B. The user cannot stop the instances if they are registered with ELB 

C. If the instances have the same Elastic IP assigned after reboot they will be registered with ELB 

D. The instances will automatically get registered with ELB 



Elastic Load Balancing registers the user’s load balancer with his EC2 instance using the associated IP address. When the instances are stopped and started back they will have a different IP address. Thus, they will not get registered with ELB unless the user manually registers them. If the instances are assigned the same Elastic IP after reboot they will automatically get registered with ELB. 

Q6. - (Topic 2) 

A user has created a VPC with CIDR The user has created public and VPN only subnets along with hardware VPN access to connect to the user’s datacenter. The user wants to make so that all traffic coming to the public subnet follows the organization’s proxy policy. How can the user make this happen? 

A. Setting up a NAT with the proxy protocol and configure that the public subnet receives traffic from NAT 

B. Settin up a proxy policy in the internet gateway connected with the public subnet 

C. It is not possible to setup the proxy policy for a public subnet 

D. Setting the route table and security group of the public subnet which receives traffic from a virtual private gateway 



The user can create subnets within a VPC. If the user wants to connect to VPC from his own data centre, he can setup public and VPN only subnets which uses hardware VPN access to connect with his data centre. When the user has configured this setup, it will update the main route table used with the VPN-only subnet, create a custom route table and associate it with the public subnet. It also creates an internet gateway for the public subnet. By default the internet traffic of the VPN subnet is routed to a virtual private gateway while the internet traffic of the public subnet is routed through the internet gateway. The user can set up the route and security group rules. These rules enable the traffic to come from the organization’s network over the virtual private gateway to the public subnet to allow proxy settings on that public subnet. 

Q7. - (Topic 3) 

A user has created a launch configuration for Auto Scaling where CloudWatch detailed monitoring is disabled. The user wants to now enable detailed monitoring. How can the user achieve this? 

A. Update the Launch config with CLI to set InstanceMonitoringDisabled = false 

B. The user should change the Auto Scaling group from the AWS console to enable detailed monitoring 

C. Update the Launch config with CLI to set InstanceMonitoring.Enabled = true 

D. Create a new Launch Config with detail monitoring enabled and update the Auto Scaling group 



CloudWatch is used to monitor AWS as well as the custom services. To enable detailed instance monitoring for a new Auto Scaling group, the user does not need to take any extra steps. When the user creates the AutoScaling launch config as the first step for creating an Auto Scaling group, each launch configuration contains a flag named InstanceMonitoring.Enabled. The default value of this flag is true. When the user has created a launch configuration with InstanceMonitoring.Enabled = false it will involve multiple steps to enable detail monitoring. The steps are: Create a new Launch config with detailed monitoring enabled Update the Auto Scaling group with a new launch config Enable detail monitoring on each EC2 instance 

Q8. - (Topic 1) 

Your entire AWS infrastructure lives inside of one Amazon VPC You have an Infrastructure monitoring application running on an Amazon instance in Availability Zone (AZ) A of the region, and another application instance running in AZ B. The monitoring application needs to make use of ICMP ping to confirm network reachability of the instance hosting the application. 

Can you configure the security groups for these instances to only allow the ICMP ping to pass from the monitoring instance to the application instance and nothing else'' If so how? 

A. No Two instances in two different AZ's can't talk directly to each other via ICMP ping as that protocol is not allowed across subnet (iebroadcast) boundaries 

B. Yes Both the monitoring instance and the application instance have to be a part of the same security group, and that security group needs to allow inbound ICMP 

C. Yes, The security group for the monitoring instance needs to allow outbound ICMP and the application instance's security group needs to allow Inbound ICMP 

D. Yes, Both the monitoring instance's security group and the application instance's security group need to allow both inbound and outbound ICMP ping packets since ICMP is not a connection-oriented protocol 


Q9. - (Topic 2) 

A user has enabled detailed CloudWatch metric monitoring on an Auto Scaling group. Which of the below 

mentioned metrics will help the user identify the total number of instances in an Auto Scaling group cluding pending, terminating and running instances? 

A. GroupTotalInstances 

B. GroupSumInstances 

C. It is not possible to get a count of all the three metrics together. The user has to find the individual number of running, terminating and pending instances and sum it 

D. GroupInstancesCount 



CloudWatch is used to monitor AWS as well as the custom services. For Auto Scaling, CloudWatch provides various metrics to get the group information, such as the Number of Pending, Running or Terminating instances at any moment. If the user wants to get the total number of Running, Pending and Terminating instances at any moment, he can use the GroupTotalInstances metric. 

Q10. - (Topic 2) 

A user is trying to aggregate all the CloudWatch metric data of the last 1 week. Which of the below mentioned statistics is not available for the user as a part of data aggregation? 

A. Aggregate 

B. Sum 

C. Sample data 

D. Average 



Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. Either the user can send the custom data or an AWS product can put metrics into the repository, and the user can retrieve the statistics based on those metrics. The statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time. Aggregations are made using the namespace, metric name, dimensions, and the data point unit of measure, within the time period that is specified by the user. CloudWatch supports Sum, Min, Max, Sample Data and Average statistics aggregation.