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AWS-SysOps Exam Questions - Online Test

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Q1. - (Topic 1) 

You have a Linux EC2 web server instance running inside a VPC The instance is In a public subnet and has an EIP associated with it so you can connect to It over the Internet via HTTP or SSH The instance was also fully accessible when you last logged in via SSH. and was also serving web requests on port 80. 

Now you are not able to SSH into the host nor does it respond to web requests on port 80 that were working fine last time you checked You have double-checked that all networking configuration parameters (security groups route tables. IGW'EIP. NACLs etc) are properly configured {and you haven’t made any changes to those anyway since you were last able to reach the Instance). You look at the EC2 console and notice that system status check shows "impaired." 

Which should be your next step in troubleshooting and attempting to get the instance back to a healthy state so that you can log in again? 

A. Stop and start the instance so that it will be able to be redeployed on a healthy host system that most likely will fix the "impaired" system status 

B. Reboot your instance so that the operating system will have a chance to boot in a clean healthy state that most likely will fix the 'impaired" system status 

C. Add another dynamic private IP address to me instance and try to connect via mat new path, since the networking stack of the OS may be locked up causing the “impaired” system status. 

D. Add another Elastic Network Interface to the instance and try to connect via that new path since the networking stack of the OS may be locked up causing the "impaired" system status 

E. un-map and then re-map the EIP to the instance, since the IGWVNAT gateway may not be working properly, causing the "impaired" system status 


Topic 2, Volume B 

56. - (Topic 2) 

A user is accessing RDS from an application. The user has enabled the Multi AZ feature with the MS SQL RDS DB. During a planned outage how will AWS ensure that a switch from DB to a standby replica will not affect access to the application? 

A. RDS will have an internal IP which will redirect all requests to the new DB 

B. RDS uses DNS to switch over to stand by replica for seamless transition 

C. The switch over changes Hardware so RDS does not need to worry about access 

D. RDS will have both the DBs running independently and the user has to manually switch over 

Q2. - (Topic 3) 

A user has created an application which will be hosted on EC2. The application makes calls to DynamoDB to fetch certain data. The application is using the DynamoDB SDK to connect with from the EC2 instance. Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the best practice for security in this scenario? 

A. The user should attach an IAM role with DynamoDB access to the EC2 instance 

B. The user should create an IAM user with DynamoDB access and use its credentials within the application to connect with DynamoDB 

C. The user should create an IAM role, which has EC2 access so that it will allow deploying the application 

D. The user should create an IAM user with DynamoDB and EC2 access. Attach the user with the application so that it does not use the root account credentials 



With AWS IAM a user is creating an application which runs on an EC2 instance and makes requests to AWS, such as DynamoDB or S3 calls. Here it is recommended that the user should not create an IAM user and pass the user's credentials to the application or embed those credentials inside the application. Instead, the user should use roles for EC2 and give that role access to DynamoDB /S3. When the roles are attached to EC2, it will give temporary security credentials to the application hosted on that EC2, to connect with DynamoDB / S3. 

Q3. - (Topic 2) 

An organization is using AWS since a few months. The finance team wants to visualize the pattern of AWS spending. Which of the below AWS tool will help for this requirement? 

A. AWS Cost Manager 

B. AWS Cost Explorer 

C. AWS CloudWatch 

D. AWS Consolidated Billing 



The AWS Billing and Cost Management console includes the Cost Explorer tool for viewing AWS cost data as a graph. It does not charge extra to user for this service. With Cost Explorer the user can filter graphs using resource tags or with services in AWS. If the organization is using Consolidated Billing it helps generate report based on linked accounts. This will help organization to identify areas that require further inquiry. The organization can view trends and use that to understand spend and to predict future costs. 

Q4. - (Topic 3) 

A user is trying to launch an EBS backed EC2 instance under free usage. The user wants to achieve 

encryption of the EBS volume. How can the user encrypt the data at rest? 

A. Use AWS EBS encryption to encrypt the data at rest 

B. The user cannot use EBS encryption and has to encrypt the data manually or using a third party tool 

C. The user has to select the encryption enabled flag while launching the EC2 instance 

D. Encryption of volume is not available as a part of the free usage tier 



AWS EBS supports encryption of the volume while creating new volumes. It supports encryption of the data at rest, the I/O as well as all the snapshots of the EBS volume. The EBS supports encryption for the selected instance type and the newer generation instances, such as m3, c3, cr1, r3, g2. It is not supported with a micro instance. 

Q5. - (Topic 3) 

A user is running a batch process on EBS backed EC2 instances. The batch process starts a few instances to process hadoop Map reduce jobs which can run between 50 – 600 minutes or sometimes for more time. The user wants to configure that the instance gets terminated only when the process is completed. How can the user configure this with CloudWatch? 

A. Setup the CloudWatch action to terminate the instance when the CPU utilization is less than 5% 

B. Setup the CloudWatch with Auto Scaling to terminate all the instances 

C. Setup a job which terminates all instances after 600 minutes 

D. It is not possible to terminate instances automatically 



Amazon CloudWatch alarm watches a single metric over a time period that the user specifies and performs one or more actions based on the value of the metric relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods. The user can setup an action which terminates the instances when their CPU utilization is below a certain threshold for a certain period of time. The EC2 action can either terminate or stop the instance as part of the EC2 action. 

Q6. - (Topic 3) 

A user is planning to use AWS services for his web application. If the user is trying to set up his own billing management system for AWS, how can he configure it? 

A. Set up programmatic billing access. Download and parse the bill as per the requirement 

B. It is not possible for the user to create his own billing management service with AWS 

C. Enable the AWS CloudWatch alarm which will provide APIs to download the alarm data 

D. Use AWS billing APIs to download the usage report of each service from the AWS billing console 



AWS provides an option to have programmatic access to billing. Programmatic Billing Access leverages the existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3. APIs. Thus, the user can build applications that reference his billing data from a CSV (comma-separated value. file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. AWS will upload the bill to the bucket every few hours and the user can download the bill CSV from the bucket, parse itand create a billing system as per the requirement. 

Q7. - (Topic 2) 

An organization is using cost allocation tags to find the cost distribution of different departments and projects. One of the instances has two separate tags with the key/ value as “InstanceName/HR”, “CostCenter/HR”. What will AWS do in this case? 

A. InstanceName is a reserved tag for AWS. Thus, AWS will not allow this tag 

B. AWS will not allow the tags as the value is the same for different keys 

C. AWS will allow tags but will not show correctly in the cost allocation report due to the same value of the two separate keys 

D. AWS will allow both the tags and show properly in the cost distribution report 



AWS provides cost allocation tags to categorize and track the AWS costs. When the user applies tags to his AWS resources, AWS generates a cost allocation report as a comma-separated value (CSV file. with the usage and costs aggregated by those tags. Each tag will have a key-value and can be applied to services, such as EC2, S3, RDS, EMR, etc. It is required that the key should be different for each tag. The value can be the same for different keys. In this case since the value is different, AWS will properly show the distribution report with the correct values. 

Q8. - (Topic 3) 

A user wants to upload a complete folder to AWS S3 using the S3 Management console. How can the user perform this activity? 

A. Just drag and drop the folder using the flash tool provided by S3 

B. Use the Enable Enhanced Folder option from the S3 console while uploading objects 

C. The user cannot upload the whole folder in one go with the S3 management console 

D. Use the Enable Enhanced Uploader option from the S3 console while uploading objects 



AWS S3 provides a console to upload objects to a bucket. The user can use the file upload screen to upload the whole folder in one go by clicking on the Enable Enhanced Uploader option. When the user uploads afolder, Amazon S3 uploads all the files and subfolders from the specified folder to the user’s bucket. It then assigns a key value that is a combination of the uploaded file name and the folder name. 

Q9. - (Topic 2) 

A user has launched an ELB which has 5 instances registered with it. The user deletes the 

ELB by mistake. What will happen to the instances? 

A. ELB will ask the user whether to delete the instances or not 

B. Instances will be terminated 

C. ELB cannot be deleted if it has running instances registered with it 

D. Instances will keep running 



When the user deletes the Elastic Load Balancer, all the registered instances will be deregistered. However, they will continue to run. The user will incur charges if he does not take any action on those instances. 

Q10. - (Topic 2) 

A user wants to make so that whenever the CPU utilization of the AWS EC2 instance is above 90%, the redlight of his bedroom turns on. Which of the below mentioned AWS services is helpful for this purpose? 

A. AWS CloudWatch + AWS SES 

B. AWS CloudWatch + AWS SNS 

C. None. It is not possible to configure the light with the AWS infrastructure services 

D. AWS CloudWatch and a dedicated software turning on the light 



Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS. is a fast, flexible, and fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS can deliver notifications by SMS text message or email to the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS. queues or to any HTTP endpoint. The user can configure some sensor devices at his home which receives data on the HTTP end point (REST calls. and turn on the red light. The user can configure the CloudWatch alarm to send a notification to the AWS SNS HTTP end point (the sensor device. and it will turn the light red when there is an alarm condition.